and yes I did have inspiration
I decided on a whim Friday night I wanted to attempt to make these.. first
was a stop at Michaels where I found everything I needed.... note to self...
Jeff is not super fond of hanging out in Michaels.... Can we say BORING.... HA HA HA
My first owl attempt is my favorite... so that is why I kept it! :)

Next I decided I wanted to make one for Mom! Thinking the Orange was more her color :) It ended up being a little larger so it works as a camera case!!

Finally on Saturday I ran out to find a few more colors of yarn & felt and whipped this one up for my sister... so that we are matching! I didn't quite finish it before our Christmas get together at 4 Saturday evening! :) They were a big hit!!

I just realized I never took a picture of the back of the cases... They are felt... the green ones have a baby blue felt backing and mom's is a tan color :) SO MUCH FUN! I think I will be making my grama one for Christmas!!!