New Chair!!! (well new to us)

So Jeff and I had a fun weekend!! Saturday we decided to visit numerous "thrift stores" in the neighborhood in hopes of finding some "cheap" treasures... we hit lots of places
First Salvation Army in Pasadena.... (great selection.. but a little pricey)

Then Goodwill in Pasadena (ehhh).. then Out of the Closet in Pasadena (ehh)....
and Finally Out of the Closet in South Pasadena (SUPER GREAT), no joke 2 blocks from my house!
Much to my surprise we did find a chair!! and I LOVE IT!! Best part is the price tag $20
Yippeee!! It fits right in at our home......its super cozy and comfy plus it rocks & swivels!!
Here is the beauty!

Accessorized with our SUPER discounted lamp from Home goods.... blue vintage phone from and new wind up vintage clock from :)

Lovely Weekend!

Woke up early to head to class! Downtown was absolutely gorgeous! I need to carry my camera around more often so I can capture its beauty!! But here are a few shots I took on our patio! I LOVE SUCULENTS!! (THANKS DOTTY!!

Class got out just before noon and I decided to run over to the flower mart... they close at 12:00 so I wasn't expecting to find anything good.. much to my surprise I scored some absolutely gorgeous ROSES!! 6 Dozen to be exact... for a price tag of........ drum roll please............... $20.00 and these weren't some old whithering roses.... they were gorgeous long stem ones!!! The guy even through in some hydrangas !! WOWEY that was superb!! This photo is of 4 dozen we took to Jeff's grama later that day!!

Flowers at Grama Jacobson's home! we took the group shot on her camera... oooops!

Sunday was sooo amazing!! I had zero plans and the entire day to play! I ran lots of errands... well more like went shopping around... Home Goods... Americana.... it was sunny and beautiful!! That morning my honey and I grabbed breakfast... and brought it home to eat with our windows wide open... LOVE the sunshine!!
Notice how Violet had her seat!! That kitten LOVES food!!
Violet Patiently waiting for her serving of turkey!!
Mem stayed close too!! :)