Corned Beef

Oh My Goodness.. so yesterday I went to Whole Foods and they had these gorgous pieces of meat laying right in front... at first I thought to myself... wow those look amazing... then I saw the price tag and thought... oh boy.. not THAT amazing... I continued to peruse the pile of meat...pre-seasoned CORNED BEEF....and something came over me... I threw one in my basket $23 price tag.... I didn't even pay that much for my beautiful Orange Chair... but I was feeling pursuaded!

The story continues... the directions on the package said to put in water.... I decided to throw some potatos, carrots, onion and garlic beneath and some water... and let it cook for 9 hours.... hence it being done right when I woke up....

here it is in the crock pot...

In the Morning! WOW!

I sliced it up and put in 6 tupperware containers.... thats 6 meals /25 bucks = less than $5 for that yumminess.... totally worth it!


Thats what I do :)

In all honesty..... I really like being busy..... and maybe even working overtime... it could be that I don't have too many personal obligations that I am being taken away from??? Jeff has been super busy studying for his brokers exam which he takes tomorrow, and I have been working.... lets see.. I worked 12 hours on Saturday.... and 5 hours on Sunday..... this isn't very normal.... but deadline = soon and client gave us stuff = late .... YAY for me! I have been working overtime every day this week so far.... but its coming to an end soon... I think I should have a few more busy weeks, but the worst of it may be over!

I have also been planning a few little get-a-ways........ My graduation from GGU is at the end of April so Jeff and I are going up to San Francisco for the weekend... it also happens to be the same weekend as Shannon and Ryans wedding, so we are looking forward to attending that tooo!..... and in May.... a bunch of girls and myself are planning on going up to Napa for a little weekend wine tasting trip.... I am beyond extatic about this!! and... Kristin Kramer has invited Jeff and I out to Michigan to stay in her cottage by the lake sometime in July..... thats a litttle early in the planning stages..... oh and maybe a vacation with my parents??? Sheesh.... Good thing I just bought this ADORABLE baithing suit!

... gotta keep working on my abs!