The family came over New Years eve and spent the night! Jeff and I slept at our neighbor Debbies house to give Mom and AJ our room! we all slept great!! Played games till late... taught the family how to play hand and foot.. naturally mom and I won :)
Here are some photos of us in the morning making the trek to the Parade... we took the metro (1mile) from our house up 2 stops .. then walked about .5 a mile.... it wasn't too bad!!! Even had time to stop and grab starbucks on the way! (Jeff was happy)
Up Bright and early!! and all bundled up! Okay maybe I was a bit excessive ....
Sisters waiting at Starbucks
Lex's favorite shop!!
Let me show you how this works guys!! I'm buying everyones train passes...
Waiting waiting waiting... took 3 trains before we could get on... apparently this was a common way to travel to the Parade!!

Here we go! She is such a natural
Yippeee we made it! Found a great spot on the corner right where the floats started!!
Bands were all lined up :)
We decided to walk home! it was a big of a walk.. but enjoyed the sunshine! Oh did I mention the weather was absolutely AMAZING!!
Finish off the day with a bang... Ice cream cones!! :)
Perfect way to start out the new year!! 2010 is gonna be GREAT!!