WOOO HOOOOO! Check out our Wedding website to see all the details and PICS
Golden Gate University!
My newest feat is getting my masters in Taxation. Currently I attend my Advanced Federal Taxation Class Tuesday evenings and my Research class Saturdays. Today I stumbled upon this LOVELY bumper sticker. I don't think I will attract this kind of attention to my car, but I did take one for a good laugh! I might put it up in my cube at work ;)
Sound of Music Sing Along Hollywood Bowl
Something I would never have guessed I would do.... Attend a live showing of the Sound of Music Singalong at the Hollywood bowl..... Can I just say, it surpassed all my anticipation (actually I really didn't want to go) Boy I was suew glad we did, we only stayed for the first half of the movie, but pretty much laughed the whole time. Just imagine, entire Hollywood Bowl filled with fans of the movie, dressed up in costumes singing at the top of their lungs to every song. As if the singing wasn't entertainment enough the people arround us would get up and certain parts of the song and act things out as well as talk back to the movie. It was a little cult like.... for example when the Edelweiss came on the entire audience broke out their cell phones and acted as if we were in the middle of a concert. Truely a great experience.... so exciting I just might have to go next year. I highly recommend it! PS.... we also had amazing food! (courtesy of Debbie Oh)
Violet Update
Well the First week is going great... we had a little hiccup this last weekend. Poor little V needed some extra help getting rid of some fleas and fighting her eye infection. But she is back to her normal CUTE self :)
Here are some new pics!
Magic Castle
Im not the best about planning fun things to do on the weekends, but luckily I have an amazing friend who brings Jeff and I along.... This time it was to the Magic Castle.... If you have never been (don't forget your ID woopsies) YOU MUST GO... Its a great date night adventure..... They have new magicians every week and also hold a magic school too. We were lucky enough to see 3 shows while we were there and I was truely amazed. Not only is it entertaining food was great too... Its a good chance to get all dressed up and go out! Unfortunately they don't allow you to take any pictures inside, but atleast you can see the outside :)
The Greatest Feeling.....IM A CPA!!!!!
This morning I woke up and went to the computer, thinking it was going to be an ordinary day. As you probably know I have been working on my CPA exam test for some time, but today was the day it all came to an end. I found out I passed my last CPA test! OH MY GOODNESS! What a relief, just in time for the bonus from my work and just before my masters classes started at GGU! YAAA HOOOO!!!!!!!
The new addition to our family is Violet. She (hopefully arrives) on Labor Day :) or maybe a few weeks later! I can't wait to hold her! Enjoy the new pics...
Alexis Day 2
Well.... I think its been a rather full day. We started the day with some good cartoons. Then headed to the park before it got too hot to ride scooters. Then we came back and played a game of Yahzee. Soo much fun! Made some jello and headed to run some erands. Ran to Hallmark to pick up some Cards, then to ross & pottery barn (for me) hehe! I ended up picking up decor to decorate my mantle. I am really excited. Oh back to Alexis. Lets see we came back, watched some more cartoons, then took another trip on the scooters, this time with Dad & Debbie to Alexis' favorite place The Fairoaks Pharmacy (they have candy and bandaids) After that we were pretty tired, so we rested a little then broke out Settlers of Catan, The best board game ever. Oh and somewhere in ther Alexis lost a tooth, well more like pulled a tooth! So she was really excited! I guess I have to be the "toothfairy tonight" hehe Just when u think the day couldn't get more fun filled Jeff took Alexis to the park to play frisbee while I took a nap (hehe)... then after I woke up we drove to my dads too go out to eat. Yummy Mexican Food! Then the best part of the day was the home made shaved ICE! Alexis ate the whole thing!! Such a lucky girl! We watched the show Wipe Out for a little while then headed home to bed. Im pretty sure she is going to sleep good tonight! I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. Here are some highlights from our day!
Look MOM I lost my Tooth!
Learning a new game Settlers of Catan! Alexis is pro already
had to throw this in, my new mantle set up! I still need to hang the pic, but u get the gist! :)
Alexis NIGHT 1
We went out to Roys for a great Hawaiian treat! With Dad and Debbie! Alexis got her very own desert with her name written in chocolate. Then I got my very own desert with Congratulations written in chocolate (for finishing my CPA tests)! Yummmy.... Then alexis got a shower and went to sleep with Lucy Lou (the kitty) HEHE!
Well, I never thought I would be on the 45th floor during a 5.4 earthquake.... IRONIC! haha
It was pretty intense, luckily I wasn't surrounded by the chaos, but I did have friends run down 45 flights of stairs cause they were freaked out and ones who hid under their desks, and also ones who got in their car and drove home! haha.... I guess being that im a Californian I new to just sit tight and enjoy the ride. I have to admit I did at one point think I was going to die, when u are this high up it feels like the building is just blowing in the wind. and going to fall over! But its still standing and im still working!
It was pretty intense, luckily I wasn't surrounded by the chaos, but I did have friends run down 45 flights of stairs cause they were freaked out and ones who hid under their desks, and also ones who got in their car and drove home! haha.... I guess being that im a Californian I new to just sit tight and enjoy the ride. I have to admit I did at one point think I was going to die, when u are this high up it feels like the building is just blowing in the wind. and going to fall over! But its still standing and im still working!
Whew what a day!!!
My day started out with a wonderful CPA exam at 8am. Hopefully the last!!! Then I drove home to Thousand Oaks for a fun filled day with Mom and Aunt Amy. First stop.... Natural Cafe for my favorite Enchiladas. Next was home, then hop in the car and head to Somis. (the cutest little town) Our mission for the day was to go pick fruit and veggies. We went to Aunt Amys "GROVE" first..... to pick avocados. Then we ventured over to Amy's Mom's garden to continue the picking frenzy. After that we got all the stuff together and drove out to aunt cheryls house. SOOO GORGEOUS! We delivered her some of our picks, then she surprised me with the greatest gift of all.... one of her original paintings. Then after I was done drooling over it, we headed back to Thousand Oaks where we met up with AJ and Lex. Grabbed some grub and called it a day!
Here are some fun pics...

View from the future Cote Residence (oh and my mom) hahha

Our second stop , Amy's Parents beatuful Garden

Here are some fun pics...
View from the future Cote Residence (oh and my mom) hahha
Our second stop , Amy's Parents beatuful Garden
Garden Fiasco... What a TREAT!

So... Yesterday while at work my mom gives me a call...... "Robin I went to Aunt Amy's moms house and picked a TON of Fresh Fruit and Vegies." Yummm I said, that sounds soooo great! Then my mom proceeds to tell me she is going to come over and bring me some because she can't eat it all...... (I do live 45 minutes away) But I wasn't going to argue...... Sure enough as soon as I got off work she & my cute little sis were at my house and look what they brought....

Grapefruit, Oranges, Lemons, Peppers, Tomatoes, Gapes, Peaches, Plums, Tomatillos, Zucchini, Squash, and Corn.....WOWEEE!!!

Look at my haircut!!!
I never thought it would be worth it to spend 80 bucks getting a cat a hair cut.... but Marcy Proved me wrong..... She is just adorable strutting her new look! Not to mention she LOVES the new doo!! It was kinda sad to see all her hair go, but worth it in the end. And, im pretty sure she agrees!! (Although Lucy is still trying to get comfortable with the idea)