Alexis NIGHT 1

We went out to Roys for a great Hawaiian treat! With Dad and Debbie! Alexis got her very own desert with her name written in chocolate. Then I got my very own desert with Congratulations written in chocolate (for finishing my CPA tests)! Yummmy.... Then alexis got a shower and went to sleep with Lucy Lou (the kitty) HEHE!

Here are some fun pics from the night!

ROYS in downtown LA

Alexis's special desert

I think she is happy

Congratualtions to meee HEHEH

Sisterly LOVE
Goof Troops


Weekend with Sis and JEFF
Look at Jeff's face hahahahahahahah
Now that takes tallent!!

Awww MEM!


Paul said...

That face of jEff is hilarous I had to show Paul it made me laugh.