I woke up Sunday so rested from my relaxing spa day the day before :)
I pulled up to Cindy's and I teared up, even the outside of her home was decorated so cute!
Can I just say I have the most amazing soon to be in-laws! Cindy was so sweet to offer her home and coordinate the whole day..... and Laura was such a help tooo... with the games.. the schedule... and of course my Maid of Honor was right there to help tooo! Thanks Steph for taking all the pictures and being DJ for the day! and I can't forget the girl who stole the show! Miss Debbie Oh.... the most amazing florist EVER! The flowers were incredible and went so well with the house and my wedding theme :)
The Amazing Decorations and Food!!
Game Time... pretty much the cutest game I have EVER seen! My very own apron I got to keep! How many Items can you remember :) he he he!!!
Time To Open Presents
Hugs to all that came! and who helped! It was so special! I felt so showered with LOVE! :)
The most GORGEOUS bouquet! Made By MOM! :)
My Beautiful Fiance' came by at the end to say Hello ... What a TREAT
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